Thank You to Our 2024 FANA Members for Your Support
David & Joanna Delman (x3)
Kevin & Julie Dover
The Garrison Family
Jaime & Justin Kilby
Dana & Philip Smith
John Nicolson
Thomas Allen
Mike & Natalie Smith
Jack Kreber
Bob & Terri Lamendola
Susan Pinsker
Carlos & Judy Yanez
Judy & Henry Scott​
Dan & Dawne Deuterman
Mary & Bob Buccini
Charles & Katherine Forbes
Taye Gonfa
Larry Grosman
Jennifer Bowden
Joseph & Kasey Hunt
Joy & Ed Johnson
David & Wendy Massey
Carlos Madera
Elbert Brigman
Monté & Michelle Ross
Aamir & Aesha Ahmed
Terri Barnes
Diane Bishop
Mitzi Bond
Greg & Deb Bowers
David & Deanne Bradbury
Salem & Betsy Bullard
Don & Jayne Cameron
Bob & Beth Coppage
Kay & Philip Deaton
John & Bridget Delaney
Julie & Stephen Earp
Luke & Stephanie Evans
Lynn R. Ford
Frank & Mercedes Freeman
Alyssa & Daniel Gatto
Josh & Elizabeth Glessner
Christa & Scott Graham
Hank & Vicki Groch
Madhu Hariharan & Vaishali Mody
Don & Cindy Hawkes
Adam & Angela Henn
Rose Jay
Alan Johnson
Cooper & Carol Johnston
Beverly Jones
Angela Kabbe
Terri Keating
Ajit Kelkar
Will Kohlenberg
Fran & Harvey Lackey
Tom & Winnie Leiendecker
Steven & Miranda Lim
Adam & Beth Linett
Avery & David Lloyd
John & Susanne Locke
Toye & Nkeiry Lufadeju
Edith Lutz
Kristel Newland
Dave & Maggie Nierle
David & Chris Ore
Chris Parr
Tina & Chris Patterson
Mark & Judith Peters
Jeff & Holly Queen
Grayson Ramsey & Alex Snow
James & Patsy Reittinger
Jim Remmey
Rob & Claire Renner
Brad & Dana Resler
Michael Rocco & Carmen Dohmeier
John & Elaine Roberts
Marsha & Hugh Sarvis
Steve & Cathie Sexton
Tobin Shay
Haven Sink
Donna Sizemore
Jerry D. Snyder
Howard Spencer
Brent & Wilson Steele
Lynn Stowe
Daniel & Amanda Strayer
Ronnie & Stephanie Sydell
Michael Tedaldi
Dana Tenebruso
Michael Trainor
Scott & Mary Van der Linden
Bau Vuong
Barry & Sue Weed
Pat Wegner
Jim Wiglesworth
David & Cheryl Wyrick
Your yearly contribution to Friendly Acres Neighborhood Association includes:
Supporting the efforts of the Friendly Acres Neighborhood Association, including landscape, beautification, and administrative costs
Recognition on the FANA website and in e-newsletters
Voting rights (except Business Members)
Invitations to member-only social gatherings
Newsletters and updates on events and activities that impact the neighborhood
​New members and those needing to update contact information - please complete membership application below after payment.
Bronze - $295
Silver - $345
Gold - $395
If you would like to pay by check, please remit payment to FANA at
PO Box 38893, Greensboro, NC 27438.
Member Form
Please complete on an annual basis so that we may ensure your contact information is up-to-date.